Further Information

Azure Durable Functions

The following were based on observations as at March 9th 2020.

  • Based on Allow selecting disk type when creating AKS cluster it appears that the default policy which can’t be overridden is to use expensive disk. I want to use cheap storage for proof-of-concept, not premium SSD!!!
    az disk list
  • I want to test my stuff on Linux but when investigating the use of Async HTTP APIs I discover that it’s not possible because as of March 2020 it’s impossible to fully emulate core elements of Azure Storage (e.g. blob, file, queue and table).
    The nearest option is Azurite which, in version 3, does not offer Azure Tables emulation (e.g. docker run -p 10000:10000 -p 10001:10001 mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite) because it doesn’t listen for Table Storage on port 10002. Ironically it did in version 2, i.e. docker run -d -t -p 10000:10000 -p 10001:10001 -p 10002:10002 -v /path/to/folder:/opt/azurite/folder arafato/azurite, however when I tried to use it it failed – perhaps because Azure Functions arrived after version 2.
    Microsoft does kindly provide a storage emulator, but unkindly it only runs on Windows.
    az storage account list