Updating ApPredict

This section explains what to do to get changes to the ApPredict main branch to trickle through to the (containerised) AP-Portal. The way the containerised portal works, is that ApPredict runs inside the cardiacmodelling/ap-nimbus-app-manager container. Therefore we do not need to worry about the client or database components (unless ApPredict input or output formats have changed!).


  1. Write access to https://github.com/Chaste/ApPredict
    If you have a GitHub personal access token, you may need to run git clone https://<user>:<token>@github.com/repo/project or git remote set-url origin https://<user>:<token>@github.com/repo/project
  2. Write access to https://github.com/CardiacModelling/ap-nimbus
  3. Write access to https://github.com/CardiacModelling/ap-nimbus-app-manager
  4. Write access to https://github.com/CardiacModelling/appredict-docker
  5. Write access to https://hub.docker.com/u/cardiacmodelling
    You may need to run docker login -u <user> -p <pwd> docker.io at the command line to authenticate
  6. (Optional) https://readthedocs.org/ access (to rebuild https://ap-nimbus.readthedocs.io/)
  7. A multicore server with good upload speeds as a build machine!

Updating Git submodules

Easiest is updating all the submodules at once:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/cardiacModelling/ap-nimbus
cd ap-nimbus
git submodule update --remote
git add -A
git commit –m "Updated submodules"
git push

If you want to update just 1 submodule then add the path in the update line. E.g.

git submodule update -–remote client-direct



For brevity only the cloning, updating and pushing to master branch is illustrated - new branches and Pull Requests are recommended.

It would be better to not run the “build” instructions on servers hosting AP-Nimbus - to avoid inadvertently overwriting existing containers.

If you are concerned about ingesting cached layers, then use the option --no-cache during docker building. (Alternative techniques are discussed in Stack Overflow - How to force Docker for a clean build of an image)

  • Make changes to the underlying ApPredict and assign an annotated tag to the ApPredict default branch, e.g.

    user@host:~/git> git clone https://github.com/Chaste/ApPredict
    user@host:~/git> cd ApPredict
    user@host:~/git/ApPredict> git tag -a <new_appredict_tag> -m 'some messages for git history'
    user@host:~/git/ApPredict> git push --tags
  • Optional Step! : Only if there’s been a change in ApPredict’s chaste-libs dependencies and we need a new cardiacmodelling/appredict-chaste-libs.

    • Determine the next available cardiacmodelling/appredict-chaste-libs container tag value (“<new_appredict-chaste-libs_tag>”)
      See https://hub.docker.com/r/cardiacmodelling/appredict-chaste-libs

    • Build and upload to Docker Hub a new cardiacmodelling/appredict-chaste-libs.

      user@host:~/git> git clone https://github.com/CardiacModelling/appredict-docker
      user@host:~/git> cd appredict-docker/appredict-chaste-libs
      # Edit Dockerfile (and if helpful, README.md)
      user@host:~/git/appredict-docker/appredict-chaste-libs> docker build -t cardiacmodelling/appredict-chaste-libs:<new_appredict-chaste-libs_tag> .     # <-- Note trailing "."
      user@host:~/git/appredict-docker/appredict-chaste-libs> docker push cardiacmodelling/appredict-chaste-libs:<new_appredict-chaste-libs_tag>
      # The git committing, pushing, etc., will occur in a later step.
  • Determine the next available container tag values.

  • Build and upload to Docker Hub a new cardiacmodelling/appredict-no-emulators and cardiacmodelling/appredict-with-emulators

    Note : If you don’t want to be uploading new versions to Docker Hub immediately as per the following instructions, see ApPredict-related Containers and Running cardiacmodelling/appredict-no-emulators or cardiacmodelling/appredict-with-emulators for building/testing locally.

    user@host:~/git> cd appredict-docker/appredict-no-emulators
    # In Dockerfile :
    #   1. Optionally update "FROM cardiacmodelling/appredict-chaste-libs:<new_appredict-chaste-libs_tag>"
    #      if you're using a new version of chaste libs
    #   2. Optionally update "ARG chaste_tag=<Chaste ver>" if you're using a new version of Chaste
    #   3. Update "ARG appredict_tag=<new_appredict_tag>"
    user@host:~/git/appredict-docker/appredict-no-emulators> docker build --build-arg build_processors=<processors> -t cardiacmodelling/appredict-no-emulators:<new_appredict-no-emulators_tag> .   # <-- Note trailing "."
    user@host:~/git/appredict-docker/appredict-no-emulators> docker push cardiacmodelling/appredict-no-emulators:<new_appredict-no-emulators_tag>
    user@host:~/git/appredict-docker/appredict-no-emulators> cd ../appredict-with-emulators
    # In Dockerfile :
    #   1. Update "FROM cardiacmodelling/appredict-no-emulators:<new_appredict-no-emulators_tag>"
    user@host:~/git/appredict-docker/appredict-with-emulators> docker build --build-arg build_processors=<processors> -t cardiacmodelling/appredict-with-emulators:<new_appredict-with-emulators_tag> .  # <-- Note trailing "."
    user@host:~/git/appredict-docker/appredict-with-emulators> docker push cardiacmodelling/appredict-with-emulators:<new_appredict-with-emulators_tag>
    # The git committing, pushing, etc., will occur in a later step.
  • Test the newly-uploaded Docker Hub containers.

    See instructions at Running cardiacmodelling/appredict-no-emulators or cardiacmodelling/appredict-with-emulators

  • Update documentation

  • Commit and push GitHub changes

    user@host:~/git/appredict-docker> git commit -m "Commit message!"
    user@host:~/git/appredict-docker> git push
    user@host:~/git/appredict-docker> cd ../ap-nimbus
    user@host:~/git/ap-nimbus> git submodule update appredict-docker --remote
    user@host:~/git/ap-nimbus> git commit -m "Commit message!"
    user@host:~/git/ap-nimbus> git push
  • (Optional) Update cardiacmodelling/ap-nimbus-app-manager

    user@host:~/git> git clone https://github.com/CardiacModelling/ap-nimbus-app-manager
    user@host:~/git> cd ap-nimbus-app-manager
    # In Dockerfile
    #   1. Update "FROM cardiacmodelling/appredict-with-emulators:<new_ap-nimbus-app-manager_tag>"
    user@host:~/git/ap-nimbus-app-manager> docker build --build-arg build_processors=<processors> -t cardiacmodelling/ap-nimbus-app-manager:<new_ap-nimbus-app-manager_tag> .   # <-- Note trailing "."
    user@host:~/git/ap-nimbus-app-manager> docker push cardiacmodelling/ap-nimbus-app-manager:<new_ap-nimbus-app-manager_tag>
  • Updating the test/production servers

    See internal documentation